Full Moon in Capricorn | June 2021
Full Moon in Capricorn
24 June 2021
2:40 PM EST
Happy Full Moon at 3º Capricorn, loves. Much to share as always.
I was dancing in my living room this morning (where my best ideas often emerge), and I heard the call to muse about the Capricorn archetype here, as we celebrate its full lunar illumination this week.
In Shamanic Astrology, we talk about the difference between the ESSENCE of an archetype and the EXPRESSION of an archetype in our psyches and in the collective.
Perhaps in no other archetype is the essence more divergent from the expression than with Capricorn. This is due in large part to the patriarchal influences of our over-culture, which have distorted many of the essential forms of the archetypes.
Part of our work in the Great Turning is to both reclaim the essence of the archetypes and re-create them anew—as my teacher calls it “re-writing the operating manuals.”
So: Capricorn. The ESSENCE of the Capricorn archetype is that of the wise elder, the grandmother, the mountaintops. Capricorn, a feminine earth sign, is a wisdom-keeper. The way that mountains serve as record keepers of the earth and of humanity, Capricorn observes and records events, laws, relations, experiences. It tracks human history on the planet and what the rules are for sustaining healthy culture.
Capricorn is keenly aware of what does and doesn’t work, and can accomplish greatness by working with what is so. Capricorn is a builder and holds forms together. Capricorn cares about building sustainable, responsible, and effective cultural systems that will support people, communities and ALL LIFE, now and for seven generations to come.
The EXPRESSION of Capricorn in our capitalist-patriarchal culture has been one of hierarchical dominance, rule, judgment, and control. It has needed to be in charge and achieve a perfection bereft of human joy. Contorted Capricorn has been about power under and power over, rather than power with, and co-empowerment. Aside: Pluto in Capricorn between 2008 and 2023 is all about composting these twisted expressions of the Capricorn archetype, killing off all that is not true to its essence.
One of the issues with the distorted Capricorn archetype is that the earth has been stripped from its inherent nature. Capricorn is an EARTH sign. The systems and structures it is meant to foster are ECO-centric. What errant Capricorn has been creating within culture is EGO-centric, particularly immature and disconnected ego, concerned only with personal gain. (The building of healthy egos is a value of the Capricorn essence). This is how we got from the wise community elder to the adolescent CEO.
A re-visioning of Capricorn is about letting go of the old dominance structures we’ve created on this planet and within ourselves. And this has been a prominent theme for the last two years. Last year, we had Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto all playing cosmic cleanup in aisle corruption and distortion, er I mean, in Capricorn. They’ve been midwifing us to clear and mature the systems and structures we’ve created and to birth a new earth-consciousness with a healthy Capricorn—that wise and knowing elder medicine-keeper who has learned much from her observations and guides with humility, courage, wisdom and fortitude.
This year, and particularly this month, we are going to see heated tensions between the Old That is Dying and the New Being Birthed. This is the Saturn-Uranus square, which was exact for the second of three passes this year on June 14, and will come into a T-square with Mars on June 28 and Venus on July 5.
This may be a particularly intense period in which we see this crisis in action between the old oppressive structures and the new liberated earth coming into being. This is the archetypal medicine of Uranus/Aquarius and Saturn/Capricorn in dynamic tension for the purpose of growth.
One thing that is possible from the mountaintops of Capricorn: you can see beyond what is visible on the ground. Likewise, this is what all the Aquarian energy of 2021 is about as well. Being able to access a vantage point that enables us to see further than we’d seen before.
Aquarius’s animal medicine includes the hawk, the eagle, the one with the wide perspective, the one who helps us greet the new day (this is East on the medicine wheel), the one who helps us source from POSSIBILITY not PROBABILITY.
Capricorn is about wise leadership. The most powerful healthy leaders on this planet have always been able to envision a reality that had not yet taken form. A more beautiful world. They hold the vision for us to live into. We are being asked to access this wise visionary leader inside ourselves now. The one who is deeply connected to and for this planet. The one who knows our history and yet is not bound by it. The one who dares to source from what is possible. To support systems and structures that honor all of life, and that will nurture present and future generations of all life on this planet.
I’d love to point you to two exceptional resources on these topics. One: any book by Bill Plotkin. Nature and the Human Soul is a particularly good treatise on how we might move from an ego- to an eco-centric culture, through individual eco-, psycho-, spiritual human development. Be warned, you could study the contents of this book for a year to ingest all its goodness and probably still come back for more.
Second, my dear brother-friend, Darren Austin Hall, (whose AMAZING book I just helped edit) is launching an amazing course called Honor All Creation, a journey into 22 wisdom teachings of eco-spirituality and the building of a new earth. This offering launches in July and you can get connected HERE.
Returning to this Full Moon, a full moon is a time of ripening and fruition. A time to release what no longer serves. This is a great time to take inventory within—
Where is the immature ego running the show?
Where lives that wise elder within you?
That nurturing generative adult that lives in you?
Where are their hierarchical dominator structures within you that you’re ready to let drop like a ripe apple from the tree?
Where can you access + anchor that inner vision of a more beautiful world you know is possible, and in what ways can you take action to build such a world?
Okay, I went off a bit there and still haven’t covered the other planetary transits and the Chandra symbol for this full moon. So here they are, in short form.
Planetary transits of this time
Jupiter just stationed retrograde on the solstice. It will seem to reverse direction and re-visit the first two degrees of Pisces before it travels back into Aquarius for the rest of 2021. Jupiter’s time in Pisces (May 13 to July 28) herald’s in a preview of what we may continue to experience in early 2022 when it re-enters Pisces again.
Jupiter retrograde can magnify this archetype of the wise vision keeper who can see into the future and what is most aligned for us, soul + spirit. It also lends its support in our continuing to unravel outdated belief systems.
Jupiter is sextile this full moon, a harmonious and supportive aspect for all we’ve explored here.
Neptune is stationing retrograde June 25, the day after this full moon, joining Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in their retrograde phases. Neptune stationing may amplify our emotions, our intuition, our dream life, our capacity to experience bliss…as well as confusion and compulsions toward escapism.
Many of the retrograde planets will move direct in early October, so expect another phase of big shifts for us personally and collectively in the fall.
Venus is opposing Pluto on this full moon, inviting intensity, depth and resiliency in our relational worlds and the feminine in all creation.
Full Moon Chandra Symbol
I’ll leave you with the Chandra symbol for this full moon, allowing it to stand alone and meet you as it will.
Footprints in the snow.
You are following your own footsteps. In the last previous lifetime, you set into motion a very full karmic momentum, which only got to midstream. This time you first recapitulate the previous patterns and then set out where they lead.
All of it, every step, feels fated, inevitable. It is an uncannily strong inward impression.
Yet in order to permit the soul of this lifetime some measure of autonomy and freedom, this knowledge is held in the superconscious mind, and you can then cast about as though nothing had happened before.
Except that the inward instincts direct you in a predetermined course, and the lessons and the scenes are so very familiar.
When individual karma is this strong, the truth is that you must go through what you have set yourself to take on.
And inwardly you know it, while outwardly you tread lightly, whistling in the dark, hoping that heavy feeling does not mean what you know it means, for better and for worse.
Join us for Soul Seasons
My online immersion, Soul Seasons, is open for new adventurers.
I’d love to invite you on this journey with me, as we explore the nature of each planet and their initiations of our soul across our lifecycle.
Knowing what soul season you are in can help clarify and contextualize what you are experiencing, feeling and growing through at this time.
It can also help you navigate life with greater clarity, insight and acceptance.
You can learn more about the Soul Seasons Online Immersion here.
Doors close June 29 and we officially begin July 6.