New Moon in Pisces | March 2021
New Moon in Pisces
13 March 2021
5:21AM EST
Credit: Evgeni Tcherkasski
A blessed New Moon to you, my fellow dreamers.
We are deep into Pisces season, and with this new moon we have an invitation to renew our relationship to our dreams, imagination, compassion, empathy, intuition, and mystical, artistic sides.
In its luminous expression, watery Pisces is the dreamer, the visionary, the artist, the romantic, the mystical, and the sensitive and intuitive empath. In its less supportive expression, Pisces can be ungrounded, escapist, confused, delusional; have leaky boundaries; play victim/martyr; lack discernment; and be like a river with no banks (i.e., a flood).
Pisces New Moon
This lunar cycle is a beautiful time to explore these aspects of ourselves and embrace the luminous side of the Pisces archetype, while holding acceptance and curiosity about its full-range expression in our worlds.
This month is RICH with Piscean and Neptunian energies—the sun is in Pisces for another two weeks, our New Moon in Pisces marks the beginning of an entire lunar month under this archetypal influence, and we have several conjunctions of planets to Neptune (the planet that corresponds archetypally with Pisces)—including the Sun, Venus, and Mercury.
Pisces season is a time of endings and completions. Astrologically, our new year begins on March 20, at the spring equinox when the Sun moves into Aries, the first of the twelve zodiac signs. Pisces is the twelfth or final sign in the zodiac, marking a time for one cycle to close and another to begin.
This can be a wonderful time to consciously complete that which you don’t choose to take into the next cycle. The ending of a cycle is a time to reflect, to take stock, to see what has been and what is completing. This can be a necessarily introspective cocoon time. If we don’t process and decompose what has been, it makes it harder to make space for the new visions to root and shoot forth. If we cling to our caterpillar cells, the winged one may never become. It’s a month of metamorphosis.
Pisces season is also a time to vision, dream and imagine in the new. To dream what wants to come into being. This is dream time, not necessarily time to take action on those dreams (that is where Aries comes in with support soon). All manifest reality is always first imagined. This is the time for the imagining. And epic patience, dear grasshopper.
This is a both/and kind of season (and year), the way that the new shoots of spring surge through the dead leaves of fall still blanketing the ground. Gaia makes new life right in and amongst that which has ended. And, paradoxically perhaps, it’s easier for the new tender shoots to rise up when there isn’t a lot of dead clutter in the ecosystem (of Gaia and of our own psyches). It’s a clearing and space-making time within. A liminal space between one world and the next.
Credit: Leio McLaren
The Frenzied Edge of New Worlds
In the spirit of the both/and, our Chandra symbol for the new moon is particularly potent. I relate deeply to these themes and wonder if you might too:
A spring festival. The participants are in a state of ecstatic frenzy.
Inward explosions. The pressure valve goes off. You sit inside collective and ancestral frequencies of doubt, insecurity, and suppression until this can no longer be.
The frenzied edge of new worlds; the ancient accumulations of old worlds. Coming to that point where the inward power overthrows form constraints, scatters semblances, and finds something magnificent that has been untapped and forbidden for so very long, the final spark ignites, releases, and reveals. What was lost and forgotten is more there than ever and not discouraged, never put down.
How does this moment of tension, inward explosion, pressure value release speak to you? Where, inside you, have the old worlds’ frequencies reach a frenzied point where something must shift? Be overthrown? Or even shattered?
Perhaps this old way is hustling or performing for money, for love, for security. Old ways of conformity. Old ways of consuming. Old ways of showing up in relationship. Old ways of relating to your creative life force energy. Old ways of relating to Earth.
What is that magnificent untapped and previously-forbidden energy that wants to ignite, be released, be revealed inside you right now? Is it weaving pleasure and the erotic back into your tired and serious world? Is it some creative spark or vision? Is it a collaboration or community project? Is it finally getting the support you need? And where can it be found? In rest or slowing down? In the woods or by the sea? In the laugh of your child? In your dreams? All alone under a night sky?
How can you allow your dreams and imagination to illuminate what wants to ignite inside you?
Credit: Jr Korpa
The Dream Realms
As dreaming is such a potent theme for this month, I wanted to bring in a teaching around dreams I encountered through author, anthropologist and folklorist Angeles Arrien’s potent book Gathering Medicine. In it, she speaks to the indigenous conception of the three realms or types of dreams.
First, we have our night dreams. These are the dreams we have while we sleep. The dreams we remember are the ones we are meant to work with. Those we don’t, are meant to serve as preparation and healing. Titling our night dreams upon waking can help us track them. We also want to track for the seed or heart of our dream, a central essence, symbol or image that has valence for us. Approaching our dreams from a place of curiosity, rather than having to “figure them out,” can be the richest and most energizing. Rather than interpreting, what becomes possible through exploring and feeling the dream, allowing it to have an effect on you, rather than you imposing an effect on it?
We want to take time to consider: how can we take the central essence of our night dreams into our waking, middle-world lives? How can we honor the soul guidance and wisdom from our subconscious minds shared with us by the Dream Weaver?
When we don’t act on what has been gifted to us in the night dream world, we fail to honor the sacredness of this dreamtime medicine and we can even fall into a depression for failure to take action.
The second kind of dream is the daydream. These are the dreams we have while we are awake. These are also important to title and track, as we would the night dreams. Daydreams can also possess a central symbol, theme, message, or valence for us. Daydreams can be a place of creative fire, and a place of dreaming in what our psyche will then seek to fulfill for us. Our psyches track energy: good, bad, or otherwise. And they track the energies of our daydreams. What insight might be available to you as you bring more awareness and lucidity to your daydreaming?
The third dream is our living dream. This is the dream of our external life—our work, our relationships, our home life. What if we approached our lives as a living dream? What if we tracked the themes, symbols and metaphors in this dream world, as we do the other two? What opens up and becomes possible when we look at our waking lives this way?
Arrien shares that big medicine is present when all three dream realms are holding the same essential messages or material for us.
I would add that there are also the collective dreams we are weaving together at this time, which are particularly powerful and potent in this Aquarian year and time of the Great Turning. You might also consider the collective dreams you are dreaming in, and the central essence and valence of these. What happens when you bring more conscious awareness to the collective dreams you are co-weaving?
“I dream’d in a dream, I saw a city invincible to the
attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth;
I dream’d that was the new City of Friends;
Nothing was greater there than the quality of robust
love—it led the rest;
It was seen every hour in the actions of the men of
that city,
And in all their looks and words.”
What are the themes of your dream worlds right now? What is the common silver thread between your night, day, living and collective dreams?
Two Kinds of Imagination
While we’re here in dreamland, let’s explore the imagination as well. There are two ways of engaging our imaginations. The first is directed imagination in which we consciously create or influence the content of our or another’s imagery. This is like the guided meditation luring you to the beach, or you imagining how good it will feel to take that trip you’ve been longing for or hug that person you’ve been missing.
Then there is the deep imagination, where the images arise on their own without our prompting, out of the depths of our own instinctual and intuitive realms. Our conscious influence and intention have no bearing here. Deep imagery is what our night dreams are made from, as well as those daydreams we may call intuition, vision, or revelation. This is one way soul speaks to us.
Poem to Close
Last Night As I Was Sleeping by Antonio Machado
Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that a spring was breaking
out in my heart.
I said: Along which secret aqueduct,
Oh water, are you coming to me,
water of a new life
that I have never drunk?
Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that I had a beehive
here inside my heart.
And the golden bees
were making white combs
and sweet honey
from my old failures.
Last night as I was sleeping,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that a fiery sun was giving
light inside my heart.
It was fiery because I felt
warmth as from a hearth,
and sun because it gave light
and brought tears to my eyes.
Last night as I slept,
I dreamt—marvelous error!—
that it was God I had
here inside my heart.
What moves in you?
I’d love to hear how this speaks to you. Hit me up here, your messages will come straight to me.
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Thank you and dream well, sweet one!