A Pattern-Shifting Portal of Transformation

Four-week Shamanic healing immersion

with Jaime Fleres, astrologer, soul guide and sound channel

Gates of Grace

 It goes without saying that 2020 has been a year like no other. 

Some of us have felt slayed by circumstances. 

Some of us have accepted 2020’s invitation to deep dive into personal work and keep showing up as the conscious, ever-growing and evolving humans we are.    

If you’re like me, you’ve been both these people this year, depending on the day.

And while this year has challenged us to stay present, to stay with what IS, this is a potent time for meaningful change in our lives and our collective. 

What are you ready to leave behind in 2020?

Gates of Grace

My guess is that you have a nagging pattern, issue, belief or habit that is holding you back… and you are ready to let that shit go along with the rest of 2020! 

And you know this means meeting it deeply, learning from its medicine, and releasing it to create something more beautiful in your life.  

Maybe it’s about your relationship to:

  • Love, sex and partnership

  • communication

  • time and resources

  • your family of origin

  • your children, friends, or community

  • your career or sacred calling

  • your body and overall health

  • your SOUL and inner life


My guess is you KNOW what you want to leave behind.

It may come from old family patterns, or patriarchal consumerist conditioning.  Maybe you know it’s ancestral, or past-life related. 

Whatever it is, you know it’s in the way … and it’s gotta be met and healed from within so that you can feel lighter, freer, and more aligned with your soul.

Your wise and capable soul knows what it needs to heal:

  • Your clear intentions and aligned desires

  • Your time, energy, and attention 

  • A safe and supportive container in which to be met and mended.   

Gates of Grace

What if you could…

  • be held and guided in a supportive, loving container to work deeply with this pattern, issue or habit and make meaningful shifts before the New Year?

  • enter 2021 with less burden, struggle, and limitation? What might that open up for you?  What might it feel like?

  • enter the new year with greater energetic spaciousness, soul activation, and alignment with your intentions and desires for your life? 

 This is what the Gates of Grace Process is all about.

Opening the Gates of Grace


Gates of Grace is a 4-week online healing immersion

offered by Jaime Fleres, Shamanic Astrologer, Soul Guide and Sound Channel

You set your gaze on a single pattern, habit or issue you are ready to shift and we work it through a powerful Shamanic process that will help you heal in a profound way. 

We’ll gather for FOUR live experiential healing sessions. 

Between them, you’ll receive THREE live energy clearing and healing sound sessions.

All sessions will be held over Zoom and recorded if you can’t make it live. 


In our sessions we’ll use the following modalities to support your shift:

  • Narrative work: story clarity and thoughts + beliefs work

  • Sound healing + channelling

  • Embodied Movement

  • Flower Essence, Essential Oil and Herbal support

  • Deep imagery + energy medicine

  • Shamanic Astrology

  • Ancestral work

Through deep witnessing, exploring, and transforming … you can take that powerful next step in creating the life you are meant for.


Eclipse 2020

The Astrology of this Portal is POWERFUL.

Astrologically, 2020 has invited us to dismantle old systems and structures. 

On the personal level, it’s been about letting go of old patterns, habits, beliefs, and lifestyle choices that simply no longer serve us. 

We’re at a really important moment. A portal of opportunity.

We are tired. Yet we keep showing up for ourselves and the world as the conscious creators and healers we are. 

In December, the astrological winds shift significantly. 

We move from that hard “dismantling” work of 2020 (Saturn-Jupiter-Pluto in Capricorn) into building new and revolutionary systems and structures in our lives, our communities, and the world. 

We have a potent portal of time before winter solstice to witness, mend and clear what we are not willing to take into next year.

Saturn in Capricorn has created a portal window to release the old. It will be easier to do this work NOW with the support of this astrological energy. That’s how Saturn works.  

Saturn Conjunct Jupiter 2020

And that’s not all...

I’ve been guided to time our gatherings to garner exceptional cosmic support.  

  • Two of our sessions will coincide with the upcoming eclipses, potent portals to amplify intentions, lift the veils of illusion, and make big shifts.

  • One session aligns with the Moon-Venus conjunction at the Sacral Chakra, the energetic gate to our abundance, healthy emotions and creativity. 

  • Our last session lands on the Winter Solstice and what some identify as the gate into the Age of Aquarius, with a powerful conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at zero degrees Aquarius.  


Gates of Grace

Week One

Winds of the South: Great Serpent Medicine

Serpent helps us shed. In week one, we focus on what you are ready to shed, gaining clarity on what this issue or pattern is all about; the beliefs, feelings and behaviors tied up into it; and the sources of these entanglements … so that you can more deeply understand this issue and begin to shift it. 

 Group session | Nov 30 (5-7pm EST)

Current lifetime sound healing + energy clearing | Dec 2 (1130-12pm EST)


Powerful Astrology Portal: Lunar Eclipse + Full Moon in Gemini, archetype of the sacred storyteller.


Gates of Grace

Week Two

Winds of the West: Great Jaguar Medicine

Jaguar helps us see in the dark. In week two, we dive even deeper by dancing with the shadow and the unseen elements of this issue for you. We’ll do some deeply embodied soul work to uncover what is unseen that may be holding you back from releasing this pattern.

 Group session | December 7 (5-7pm EST)

Past lifetimes sound healing + energy clearing December 9 (1130-12pm EST)


Powerful Astrology Portal: Moon + Venus meet up at the Sacral chakra gate, helping us to clear distortions around our creativity, past traumas, and our emotional health and vitality. 


Gates of Grace

Week Three

Winds of the North: Great Hummingbird and Ancestors Medicine

The North brings in allies. And sweetness. In week three, we will shore up your resources and support for releasing this pattern, issue or habit. We’ll be working with ancestral + nature allies to build your support team in clearing this pattern. You’ll receive flower essence, herb, and essential oil recommendations specific to your healing issue this week. 

 Group session | Dec 14 (5-7pm EST)

Lineage connections sound healing + energy clearing Dec 16 (1130-12pm EST)

Powerful Astrology Portal: Total solar eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius, the archetype of the spiritual seeker. Saturn and Jupiter move out of Capricorn and into Aquarius this week.  


Gates of Grace

Week Four

Winds of the East: Great Eagle, Hawk, Condor Medicine

The Raptors give us perspective to greet the new day. In our last week together, we’ll envision and anchor a new way forward, so that you can get clear around what your life will look + feel like after this pattern has been shifted for you. We’ll make commitments and celebrate the work we have done this month to powerfully heal a pattern that was ready to be released. 

Group session Dec 21 (5-7pm EST)


Powerful Astrology Portal: Winter Solstice, the Sun changes from Sagittarius into Capricorn, and Saturn and Jupiter conjunct at 0 degrees Aquarius, which some believe is the true beginning to the Age of Aquarius.  Mars meets for its final time with Pluto where a last stand is taken and the game is changed hereafter.  


This Gates of Grace experience is valued at $1297. 

For a limited time only, I’m offering this experience at the EPIC value of $333.

I’m not sure the astrology will ever be as supportive for this work as it is right now. 

When you join, Jaime will reach out to you with next steps. Our immersion will begin Monday, November 30th with our first live call.

Have questions about the immersion?

Email Jaime directly at

I look forward to meeting you at the Gates.