““Art is the act of triggering deep memories of what it means to be fully human.” ”
Ritual + Ceremony
I humbly offer a variety of ceremonies and rituals in private and group formats here in Asheville, NC and around the world. Examples of rituals include (but are not limited to):
gratitude ceremony
fire ceremony
cacao ceremony
womb healing ritual
grief ritual
ritual for transitions
closing of the bones ceremony
sacred storytelling
nature rituals
Expressive Arts
Tapping into the healing potential of our own creativity for the sake of itself is beyond powerful. When we connect to our creativity through art, we connect to:
potent personal and universal Life Force Energy
It is my great honor to facilitate expressive arts workshops and events. These include painting, writing, movement, sound, and other forms of art. These and other modalities help us access our soul, our deeper feelings, profound discovery, potent healing, and our authentic wild and free selves.
“Thank you for organizing such a wonderful event. By being fully present, you created a safe haven where we could land within ourselves and dive into what wanted to be seen. By being creative (with writing, dancing, and painting) we could grow deeper into authentic beauty and transform what was ready to be released. You took us on a journey where our heart showed the way instead of our mind. Absolutely wonderful, thank you for guiding us into that sacred space within!”