Soul Map Astrology Readings
You’ve been at the personal growth journey awhile.
You’ve discovered so much about yourself.
You’ve untangled from unhealthy patterns and distanced yourself from misaligned family and cultural programs and stories.
You continue to actively build the reality you want to live in and make life-affirming choices every day.
It’s a practice – on your best days, you marvel at how far you’ve come; on your worst, you do your best to be gentle and kind to yourself.
You yearn to step fully into who you are and express the unique gifts you came to bring.
You want to shed those last lingering insecurities around being who you truly are.
But you sometimes still feel doubt.
Can you trust who you know yourself to be? Like really, really trust yourself?
“The soul map reading was incredibly affirming for me.
What would life be like if we had access to this soul map from the very beginning of this lifetime? With a mentor to support us?
Despite having many astrology readings, this is the first to really map out and truly reflect my life path + what I understand (now) as my life lessons and medicine offerings been so affirming.
[Your approach is] a shift from standard astrology, that I have often found missed the mark for me. :)
Truly, I would love to continue working with you, please keep offering this wisdom you carry and sharing it with others.”
Do you still sometimes:
Get snagged in the cultural program net of ideals and values that aren’t aligned for you?
Judge yourself by some external yardstick?
Equate purpose with your job title? Money?
Base your identity on the relationships you have with others?
Get swept up in a sea of shoulds, even if they are coming from a seemingly more progressive space (like the spiritual world or entrepreneur world)?
You want to feel deeply at home in your own skin.
To stay connected to the core of who you are, no matter the situation or who you are with.
To be authentic AND deeply connected.
You want to make meaning from the stories and strands of your life. To weave these into a guiding narrative north star.
You want to use your skills and talents – and express the essence of YOU – to make a positive impact.
And in a way that makes you feel GOOOD inside.
You know you’re not that far off. . .
A Shamanic Astrology reading
is like a rocket booster, launching you into living with the natural ease you crave, feeling on purpose, and falling deeper in love with life and yourself.
“I enjoyed our last two sessions very much and I LOVE your energy - it was easy to connect with and open up to you.
Also, thank you for providing suggestions re; reading material, rituals and exercises to enable my growth. Our sessions allowed me to experience the value of astrology as a navigating compass of self and spirit.
I am really surprised with how accurate my natal chart is in describing personal character, energy and major processes occurring in life.
I honestly feel that a new soul portal opened up, allowing me to really understand my character and essence.”
Soul Map readings validate and affirm who you are in a profound way,
dropping a deep anchor to the essence of who you are,
which you can use to ground and align with your personal truth daily.
Soul Map readings activate parts of your soul that are ready to fully come on line,
so you can bring more of yourself to your life.
In a Soul Map reading, all parts of you are held in reverence.
You are offered a sanctuary to show up as all of you – to feel safe, accepted, heard, seen and validated.
You are offered a cosmic (the astrology) and loving human (Jaime) mirror so that you may see yourself more clearly.
You gain tremendous clarity,
powerful insight, and deeper self-understanding.
“I really appreciate your gifts with deep listening and seeing the connections with my chart.
I felt heard, seen, and validated.
Having you reflect to me aspects that affirm my work in the world felt really important. In our first session together, I felt something within me soften when you normalized the struggle I have in the realm of parenting.
I really appreciate your wisdom, gifts, and the love and care you bring to your work.”
“I came to my reading a skeptical astrology novice. Yet I knew if the insight was coming from Jaime, it would be meaningful and transformational. She did not disappoint.
Jaime made astrology accessible with her clear delivery, and captivating with her enthusiasm and depth of knowledge. I came away with powerful insight, plus a lot more appreciation for and belief in astrology.”
Meet Jaime
Sun and Moon in Libra.
Venus in Virgo. Mars in Scorpio.
Sagittarius Rising.
So happy to meet you here.
I am a trained Shamanic Astrologer and love to focus on helping people remember the truth of who they are through the lens of this deeply resonant wisdom practice.
I give deep reverence to my mentors Sao Long and Tami Brunk, my studies with the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, and Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle.
My own deep practices in growth and spirituality also inform my readings. Read More.
About Soul Map Astrology
Our Shamanic Astrology session will focus on helping you discover the intentions your soul set for this lifetime as illuminated by your natal (or birth) chart. I am a certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, somatic healer, and draw on the archetypal medicine of depth psychology, all of which inform my sessions.
We begin every session opening sacred space and dropping into a centered, coherent state together. Then you’ll have a few minutes to share what brought you to the session and what you are hoping to receive. From there, I intuitively focus in on the parts of your chart that may offer guidance for what you’ve shared and we go from there. I hold sessions by Zoom AUDIO and make it possible for you to record our session on your Zoom for future reference.
“Jaime has an incredible ability to convey in a very clear and powerful way, the hidden message of the archetypal images related to one’s astrological chart.
It has helped me to tap into my purpose and see with more precision the ways in which I can impact my life and the life of others.”
Book an Astrology Reading
60 MINUTES $180
These readings validate, activate and awaken aspects of your soul, so you can embody more of who you are. In these readings, I offer Shamanic Astrology guidance on the following topics:
the major archetypes/energies you came to embody and lessons you came to experience
what you came in already good at
how you can best align with your soul’s intentions for this lifetime.
family dynamics
relationships (personal understanding or couples)
your current seasons, cycles, and opportunities
My session rate includes: my time with your chart(s) in preparation, our call, and the recording.
Please note: An hour is rarely enough time to do a comprehensive review and discussion of your whole chart. These will be centered more on what you’re current needs are and where the conversation organically takes us. If you need more time, you can either book another session or, if our schedules permit, I can extend our time, at a rate of $45/quarter-hour, which you can send by Venmo same day.
I also offer relationship readings, birthday readings, family readings, and other specialized readings upon request. Please simply note your special request upon scheduling.
“Thank you so very much! I loved our reading and our conversation.
I think it just might be the most helpful and useful reading I’ve ever had. It certainly is for this stage in my life.”
“My reading with Jaime was one of the best astrological readings I have ever had. The way she presents information is clear and super accessible. She takes complex ideas and communicates them with clarity, warmth, care, and enthusiasm.
When I get a reading with Jaime, I can feel dormant parts of my being come alive through the archetypes she is describing, like an initiation into remembering myself more fully.
I highly recommend getting a reading from Jaime!”
“It has been a wonderful experience working with Jaime. I felt an instant connection with her during our first encounter.
Jaime’s understanding of my astrology birth chart and the connections to the bigger picture and then tying my needs to the flower essence has been extraordinary.
I have shared my results with many people as I am still amazed at how spot on my birth chart is.
I recommend Jaime to anyone looking to get a better understanding of who they are through the universe.”
Astrology Mentoring and Guest Teaching
In addition to private sessions, I am available for private mentoring for those looking to learn astrology at the soul and archetypal levels. My mentoring rates are currently $144/hour. You can reach out to me directly with interest.
I also regularly serve as a resident astrologer and private workshop teacher for coaches, healers, and leaders inside their private programs and courses.
“Astrology and Health” Christine Garvin’s Hormone Summit, 2020
Resident Astrologer for Kendra Cunov’s Collective Program, 2021
“Virgin and Whore: Mending the Split” Masterclass for LiYana Silver’s Deep End Program, 2021
“Masculine Archetypes + Sacred Marriage” Masterclass for Darren Austin Hall’s Kings of the Heart Program, 2021
“The Astrology of the Soul” conference presentation at the Soul Expo in Charlotte, NC 2022
I am available to guest teach at retreats and within programs, online and in person. Please connect with me about your project HERE.
astrology VIDEOS
For my latest monthly + special topics astrology videos, please visit and subscribe to my YouTube Channel HERE.
Here, Jaime’s client Lina shares what it’s like to learn about her astrology transits, what I call Soul Seasons.
Allie shares about her experience with Shamanic Astrology.