Full Moon + Eclipse July 2020
Independence Day | Full Moon | Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon at 12:44AM EST July 5 (9:44PM PST July 4)
This weekend we observe the third eclipse of this season, this one a lunar eclipse, with a full moon at 13 degrees Capricorn. There is a lot going on in the sky and in the world. As above, so below. There’s also a lot going on in our inner landscapes, which we’re asked to tend in this moment. As within, so without.
Interestingly this eclipse falls on the anniversary of the United States’ Independence. A day celebrated for the securing of freedom against tyranny and oppression through revolution. Given the state of our nation, it seems no coincidence that this eclipse portal and greater planetary alignments coincide with this date.
Presently Pluto is in its second conjunction with Jupiter. One of Pluto’s medicines is the stripping away of false sources of power, so that we can re-source. What do we reSource to?
Our own inner truths.
Our Mother Earth.
Our sacred bonds with, and responsibility to, all of Life.
Our true Source.
Jupiter expands all that it touches, amplifying this energy.
With both planets (plus the Moon and a regressing Saturn), in Capricorn—the archetype of the manmade laws, systems and structures, as well as the wise elder who connects deeply to the land and creates that which will benefit future generations—we are in a heightened portal of time where old ways and repressed energies are bubbling to the surface for confrontation and resolution, so we can restore wisdom, co-operation, and sustainability.
With so many planets retrograde and this eclipse, we are asked to find the light and the shadows within, to illuminate ALL that is inside ourselves. To let the change we seek happen from the inside out. To stop looking for someone “out there” to save us.
We are being invited to ReSource. To return to sources of legit nourishment and security. Not the old illusions and empty promises. Not the handing over of our power to some distant authority outside ourselves. We are being asked to shift from the hierarchical pyramid of patriarchal power to a circle of grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children—of kin, of responsible nurturers who can build anew upon the scorched lands of separation and exploitation. And to situate ourselves back in the circle of life, with all the living beings.
The Earth herself is calling for a shift in our collective assemblage point. To shift patterns and break cycles is NO SMALL FEAT. But we are doing it. Right here in this messy labor of life.
Venus—representing the feminine principle in all of us—is in Gemini, asking us to weave new narratives for humanity; to restore our sense of wonder and joy with the natural world; break free of old rules, beliefs and dualistic constructs; and bring magic into the world. Let her lightness and innocent wonder buoy you.
Mars—representing the masculine principle in all of us—is in Aries, asking us to discover that Sacred Warrior within, to find what we are devoted to and defend it with everything we’ve got. What are you willing to die for? What are you willing to live for? Mars is also in conversation with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, giving us an opportunity to explore and process the masculine wounds we all embody. To look long enough at the past to acknowledge and release what can’t come with us through these fires of transformation. To enable us to express the higher octave of warrior energy which is fierce abiding protective love for all of Life.
As we in the US ponder freedom today, we might consider the words of Burmese/Myanmar Nobel laureate and freedom champion, Aung San Suu Kyi, in her essay “Freedom from Fear” (worth reading in its entirety) about the revolution of spirit that is necessary for any real and lasting transformation:
“The quintessential revolution is that of the spirit, born of an intellectual conviction of the need for change in those mental attitudes and values which shape the course of a nation’s development. A revolution which aims merely at changing official policies and institutions with a view to an improvement in material conditions has little chance of genuine success.
Without a revolution of the spirit, the forces which produced the iniquities of the old order would continue to be operative, posing a constant threat to the process of reform and regeneration. It is not enough merely to call for freedom, democracy and human rights. There has to be a united determination to persevere in the struggle, to make sacrifices in the name of enduring truths, to resist the corrupting influences of desire, ill will, ignorance and fear.”
May your celebrations be for your own revolution in spirit. In soul. In love. In life. For you. For me. For us. For this planet. For All.