New Moon in Cancer | July 2020
New Moon in Cancer
1:33PM EST July 20
Today we have our second New Moon in Cancer in this solar month, which occurs only every 2.5 to 3 years and is called a Black Moon. Black Moons are powerful initiators of a new phase, beginning a new 2 to 3-year cycle.
With this pair of Cancer new moons, we are getting an extended reflection period on the themes of this archetype:
the Mother,
unconditional love,
care for the vulnerable ones (including the children),
our deep tender feelings,
committed responsible giving,
our sense of home,
and our lineage.
It feels to me a synchronous grace that we’re experiencing a double dose of the Divine Mother new moon energy this year. She’s right here, loves, asking us to keep our hearts open. Stick with me, though, this report will get worse before it gets better.
Notably, this new moon is opposite Saturn and Pluto, back together in Capricorn for another go ‘round. This brings some weight and intensity to the moment.
Saturn, in its tension opposite this new moon, is calling us to look objectively at how we are caring for one another and our Earth home. To get even more real, like really real, about what is working and what is no longer working about how we are tending to one another inside home, family, and community (locally and planetarily).
Pluto is nearby wanting to upend and destroy the old patterns and beliefs so we can mature and transform. And Eris—goddess of chaos, strife and discord—is also in on the action. She’s stationing retrograde today (joining 7 other retrograde celestial bodies) and sits square, in dynamic tension, to this New Moon. She adds a bit of a chaotic, unpredictable flavor to this moment.
More? Sure thing. Chiron is in dialogue (conjunction) with Mars right now, illuminating the sacred wounds of the masculine principle within us all. This pair is inviting us to process old ouches, especially with:
The way we defend—are we quick to battle or do we take time to respond consciously? Do we want to be right or do we want to be free?
The way we identify—what beliefs and ideas do we have about ourselves that are rooted in woundedness instead of truth? Are we grounded in our embodied experience or centering at the expense or silencing of another?
The way we see issues—do we tend to polarize issues, mired in black/white, good/bad, right/wrong, them/us thinking, or do we acknowledge nuance, complexity, paradox, common ground?
The way we act—are we acting out of devotion to what matters most to us; are we driven by fear, a sense of separateness, or a desire for blood?
The way we relate—do we operate from a power over/power under mentality? Are we lone wolves operating outside of pack harmonics? Are we our own inner predators? Where does the patriarchy (and all systems of oppression) live inside of us (mind and body)?
“In order to banish the inner predator, we must unlock or pry ourselves and other matters open to see what is inside. We must use our abilities to stand what we see. We must speak our truth in a clear voice. And we must be able to use our wits to do what needs be about what we see. ”
We’re getting good at intensity. So how do we tend ourselves right now?
Be Cancerian—tender, kind, unconditionally loving—toward yourself and the people you encounter (in your home, in Trader Joes, on social media), be Cancer-kind to your own inner child. Perhaps you might take a moment of reflection—ask your inner child, (or any Vulnerable One):
What are you feeling in this moment?
What do you miss most about the past (this could be your childhood, your earlier years, or even pre-2020)?
What do you need me to objectively see right now?
How can I best “parent” you right now? What “resources” do you need me to provide?
What beliefs and perceptions from the past no longer serve us and are ready to be shed?
What kind of care can I provide, that you perhaps have never been given? What would it look like/be like for you to receive this kind of care now?
How can I love you as you want to be loved?
Sending my love to you, brave soul, reading these words.
If you’d like personalized support navigating the waves of this year and your particular place in this great transformation, please book a spot on my calendar for a soul map astrology reading.