Full Moon in Libra | March 2021
Full Moon at 8 Libra
28 March 2021
2:48pm EDT
Photo Credit: Aaron Blanco Tejedor
This Sunday, we meet with the Full Moon in Libra, at 8 degrees.
Healing Moon
“Separation is impossible, for as soon as a beam of light is cut off from its source it ceases to exist.”
This is a moon of relational healing. A moon to mend what has been wounded, and to imagine in a better way. This is a moon to restore right relationship between self and other*. A moon of sacred reciprocity. A moon of interdependency where diversity emboldens unity.
It’s an animistic moon. A harmonic moon. A whole-ing (holy) moon.
This moon presents a rich paradox: The Aries axis of this full moon says: All healing is self-healing. The Libran axis says: All healing is relational. Let’s look to the lunar Libran latter.
Every wound we ever suffer is a relational wound. There is no human hurt that exists outside the scope of our relationships – to ourselves, the world around us (seen and unseen), and one another. And the only path of mending is relational. We heal through relationships and relational restoration.
The first step in healing is compassionate awareness. Seeing and acknowledging what hurts from a place of care. Then we clean and protect the wound from further threat and make space for that which is conducive to health. We remove impediments to healing and pursue that which heals. (Ahem, attacking the wound is futile.)
In a physical wound, our bodies mount an innate response system involving different cells, organs and systems within the body, all working in harmony toward a single aim. The healing happens within (all healing is self-healing) and we can consciously provide the proper context for this healing, in right relationship with our body’s wisdom. When all are in harmony with a single collective aim, the mending is like magic.
Photo Credit: Taisiia Stupak
Same goes for our inner world. When we end the war within – even the dropping of one weapon, impenetrable wall, or belief not rooted in Love at a time – we mend. When the aims of our soul match the path down which our personality leads us, joy and happiness follow. The coalescing of all our parts around a single cause is curative.
When two or more people gather in a common spirit of love and right relationship, worlds shift. And this common spirit does not require commonness between us. Harmony doesn’t require homogeneity.
In fact, it depends on our diversity. Our white blood cells do something different than our epithelium. Our protector parts do something different than our vulnerable inner child parts and something different than our nurturing generative adult selves.
The echinacea does something unique to the goldenseal. The mycelium occupies a different niche than the Redwood.
We need them all, in right relationship to one another. Coalesced around the singular cause…of Life.
I do not need you to be like me for me to love you. I can be in right relationship to you and be different. In fact, I must be. When I genuinely want for you what would make your life more beautiful and you genuinely want for me what would make my life more beautiful, we are in right relationship.
And when we want to be well, within and relationally, more than we want to be right, we begin to heal. We begin to whole.
“I am you and you are me and we are all together.”
Our Chandra symbol for this full moon says: By becoming conversant with myriad voices, you find the subtle edge between the universal self and your own evolving center… It is only by blending what has previously been polarized that you can begin to make your way. To be here for the changes and the mix is everything… we are all seeking to bust loose and we take what we find, throw it together, and discover that everything is part of the same thing.
In other words, by learning to listen to all the voices, we come to know ourselves. By blending what seems opposite, worlds alter and arise. We are here to bust loose. We are here to discover that everything is part of the same thing. In this way, “all healing is self-healing” and “all healing is relational” means the very same thing.
Astrological Moment Details
We have the Sun, Chiron and Venus conjunct at 8 Aries opposite the Full Moon in Libra. This conjunction highlights our relational and emotional wounding, as well as our healing. Chiron is the wounded healer, who renders remedies from the poison itself.
The 8 (our Full Moon degree) turned on its side is the infinity symbol. It’s my favorite symbolic representation of anyi, or right relationship, where energy is given and received, in equal measure and constant generative and dynamic flow.
Venus (the divine feminine in All + representative of our relationality) is in the underworld meeting the brilliance of the Sun. We are finding the light within our darkest (and perhaps most exiled or abandoned parts).
Neptune is conjunct Mercury (exact on the 29th), helping us to use our minds – our perception, cognition and communication – and our imaginations in support of the more beautiful life we know is possible.
Mars is conjunct the North Node, helping us to take action toward and focus on our destination point.
*A note about relationality
I invite you to take an animistically-expansive view of self-and-other relationality here. We are in relationship to the earth – from the “smalls” or “ancient ones” of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and DNA (in the soil, in our own bellies, and everywhere else), to the sweeping landmasses and waters that surround us. We are in relationship to the elements.
We are in relationship to the stars, the planets, the asteroids, the sun and the moon. And the great expanses of light and form beyond what our current consciousness believes real.
We are in relationship to ourselves—our younger selves, current selves, and projected into the future selves. To our fragments and our facets of wholeness (see Bill Plotkin’s Wild Mind for an incredible model of wholeness).
We are in relationship to one another. To our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, grandparents, grandchildren, ancestors, children’s children’s children. To our neighbors and to those “foreign” to us. And yet somehow not at all.
We live in this unfathomably complex web of All that Is, constantly intersecting relationally in countless ways that shape our existence. We are the Self here to experience the Self. Experience is our greatest currency.