New Moon in Aries | April 2021
New Moon at 22 Aries
11 April 2021
10:31PM EST
Photo Credit: Sasha Freemind
Opening a New Book
A few weeks ago, I had a Wealth Archetype session with a “money psychic.” As one does. It was supremely fun, fascinating, and completely revolutionized my mindset around money.
She said to me at one point: “Jaime, you’re not just closing a chapter and starting another right now, you are opening a whole new book.” This feels true, as I prepare to move homes unexpectedly and launch my biggest professional project yet, among other deep soul sea changes.
This is also the collective moment we are in. The New Moon in Aries isn’t just the start of a new lunation; it’s the start of a whole new lunar year – the first chapter in a whole new book.
For many of us, I imagine this new book is welcome. We are ready for change, ready for life to reflect all the expansion, contraction and deepening we’ve been traversing on the inner planes. Ready for a sense of freedom, of moving forward, of heading in a particular direction we so long for. The current planetary energies are here to support that.
Stuck and Resistant
Two of my healer-colleagues spoke this week about the how much resistant, stuck, unmotivated, indecisive and even lost energies are showing up in the collective right now. If you’ve been feeling this, know that you’re not alone. Of course, there are many contexts in which to understand this—our own personal lives, the duration of this pandemic and all it brings (and takes away), the Saturn-Uranus energies of this year, and so much more.
Ironically, our current astrological energies are all about beginnings, boldness, decisiveness, personal will, intuitive action, and courage. With seven planetary bodies in Aries, we have a lot of astrological support for motion, motivation, and focused action.
In some ways, we are looking at two sides of the same coin, playing in the energies of Aries full spectrum. We are exploring the full range between unwavering and bold action, and that freeze-stuck-struggle mode of massive resistance. And perhaps even the paradox of their concurrent presence in our lives.
Here’s how I see the Aries energy coming to support us in that place right now. Aries is about intuitive action in the present moment. Aries doesn’t spend a lot of time looking forward or back, it exists in the present.
This is part of this moment’s medicine:
How can we be right in this moment with whatever is present?
How can we participate more fully in this now-moment, exactly as it is?
How can we breathe into the tremendous tension life is asking us to hold right now?
What happens when we create space to observe – when we don’t jump ship, when we don’t let the inner judge run amok, when we don’t work so SO hard to control outcomes?
What happens then?
Supported Soul-Muscle Building
I work with metaphors as soul guides (pretty much all the time) and I’ve been living into this one all week: I have weights in my hands and I’ve got my arms stretched out wide to receive but my muscles are shaking and this level of tension is almost more intense than I can bare.
This bareness of becoming something new.
I want to keep my arms open wide, my heart leading, but I need support. So, I went to nature (also my principal soul guide) and laid on my favorite rock, arms outstretched, sun warming my heart. Same pose, but fully supported. It changed how I am holding myself and my life right now.
Perhaps this moment is also asking you:
How can you stay open – to be available to receive, to hold the tension, and yet also lean into support, pockets of ease, and the right-here resources? How can you build your soul muscles in a surrendered and supported way?
One thing I’ve learned in Earth School: one of the most effective teachers here is contrast. Resistance is often one of the most potent vehicles for change – for that bold fresh action Aries is here to support. Before that butterfly emerges from the cocoon it puts up a mighty struggle and so doing builds the wing-strength it needs to soar.
“To be fully alive, fully human and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man’s land, to experience each moment as completely new and fresh. ”
New Moon in Aries
Each new moon invites us to “become new” with the archetype in which the sun and moon meet. This month we are invited to become new with our inner Aries wisdom keeper. Aries teaches trust, innocence, courage, and devotion. Aries trains us in discipline, aligned will, intuitive action, decisiveness, and spontaneity.
Aries is the archetype of the sacred warrior, the one who defends cosmic order and is devoted to protecting what truly matters.
Aries is that gumption we need to take the first bold step into something new and unfamiliar. To have the audacity to burst from that too-familiar fertile darkness into the light of something utterly and terrifyingly new. It’s that moment seed becomes shoot, that moment lungs switch from amnio-aquatic to terrestrial. A monumental metamorphosis.
Photo Credit: Patricia Morrison
The Chandra symbol for our New Moon at 22 Aries is apropos as always:
“The force of events sweeps away who we thought we were and plunges us to a deeper place beyond the known. The sheer immediacy, the sudden clarity shifts mountains of intent into a different octave altogether. Being taken by storm is the most direct path from here to there. And when cosmic worlds are urgently coming through, the only smart thing is to step aside and make a huge amount of room for unexpected guests, at events you could never have arranged in your wildest dreams.”
I love this:
“being taken by storm is the most direct path from here to there.”
How can we make room for the unexpected guests life brings us? How can we hold our trembling arms out long enough to receive that which we could never have arranged in our wildest dreams?
New Moon sandwiched between Ceres and Eris
Our sun and moon are joined between Ceres, universal mother and goddess of nurturance, and Eris, goddess of chaos and discord. Venus is just a bit beyond Eris, in conjunction, lending an embrace of full-range divine feminine energies to this sun-moon meeting. It’s a big ol’ Aries party. (With Chiron and Mercury not far off either.)
Sun, Moon and Venus Square Pluto
This new moon is squaring Pluto in Capricorn within four degrees, and Pluto is exactly square Venus. This brings whatever is hidden to the surface, particularly in our relationships, and in regard to our values and resources. We may be called to stand for ourselves and our beliefs. To stake claim to what really matters.
Chiron conjunct Mercury
Chiron is joined with Mercury – a time when painful memories and wounded perceptions, thoughts and beliefs may emerge to be met and mended. Self-compassion and forgiveness are our essential soul-salves here. What weapons sourced from wounding are you ready to lay down? (We want to consider the mind’s weapons here in particular.) What mental burdens can you lay down? What codes of silence are you ready to crack?
Whether this moment finds you mired in resistance, ready to take massive leaps forward, or somewhere in between, I send you much love and well wishes for this Aries lunation.