Full Moon in Scorpio | April 2021
Full Super Moon at 7º Scorpio
26 April 2021
11:31PM EST
“Seek patience and passion in equal amounts. Patience alone will not build the temple. Passion alone will destroy its walls.”
The Moon is extra close to earth right now, making her pull and effects here on earth even stronger. That she is in Scorpio right now makes this lunar influence all the more intense. If you are feeling the intensity, you’re not alone. If you find yourself riding the edge of darkness, find your footing. If you find yourself discouraged, reach even deeper for the fertile fuel from your own very depths.
As one of my teachers channeled recently: “We are not meant to be carried by the tide, but to stand in the cresting waves of the ocean and to look out at it as a conduit of its presence.”
In other words, we are not here to be carried passively, powerlessly through the movement of Life, but to stand inside the most powerful center of its movement and witness how we are co-creating all that Is.
The Full Moon in Scorpio brings us into a period of completion, culmination or closure around the themes and energies of Scorpio. Scorpio is a water sign, which are connected to the emotions, and is the deepest feminine archetype of the zodiac. It has also been the one most maligned and undervalued (or cast in a negative light) throughout the reign of patriarchy on the planet.
Scorpio is connected to the themes of life force energy, passion, sexuality, intensity, power dynamics, shadow, secrets or what is hidden, death and rebirth/regeneration, and edgewalking.
The path of the Scorpio mystery school is about:
developing strong personal boundaries and a capacity to discover what lights you up
the ability to experience + withstand (perhaps even master) the most intense emotions and physical experiences
developing the capacity to embody our deepest desires without being attached to outcome
walking the edges of intensity for the sake of transformation and aliveness
This is a time when the full lunar light may shine upon that which has been long hidden in some dark corner.
Unlocking Ancient Secret Wisdom
This Full Moon is exactly conjunct a fixed star called Khambalia. This star, at the foot of the Virgin Priestess constellation, is considered the keeper of powerful and ancient secret wisdom, which is accessed through transcendental states of consciousness and is unlocked through our DNA. This star is thought to be the doorway to Shambhala, the legendary mythical land of peace, prosperity, and awakened consciousness.
Upper Limiting
The Chandra symbol of this full moon points to an exceedingly focused and driving ambition to become somebody. It also reveals that any newfound foothold in self-mastery is challenged and intensified by shadows of the past, threatening to bring you back down to the old familiar.
Gaye Hendrix calls this “upper limiting” in his book The Great Leap. Our subconscious, which holds massive sway over our experiences, is accustomed to and prefers a known range of qualitative reality (whether that range feels delightful or hellish). When we attempt to grow and make changes, the subconscious often registers this as a threat and strongly seeks to pull us back down into our known range where it feels we have more control. This self-sabotaging is called Upper Limiting.
To manage Upper Limiting, we can know it exists, expect it to arise when things are going well for us, and take steps to acclimate to the new heights we are reaching. We can let our subconscious know, in a manner it can understand (e.g. through art, movement, symbolism, story, etc.) that we are safe and everything is okay. We can also work consciously to increase our tolerance for how good our life can actually be.
As the Chandra symbol for this moon suggests, this is “a journey for the long-haul, contested at every split second. Requiring first as much courage, strength, and inner will as you find in there for this purpose, everything being right where it needs to be for the impossible to occur and all of the chains to be cut loose.”
What chains can you loose on this full moon?
Full Moon square Saturn
With seven planets in fixed signs right now, and a massive T-square between the full moon in Scorpio; the Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mercury in Taurus; and Saturn in Aquarius, we may feel an intensity of this year’s themes around the clash + tension between What Was and What is Becoming (Saturn square Uranus energies).
This is the tension between control and freedom, between conformity + conservatism and rebellion/revolution + awakening. This T-square can amplify the seeming opposition between various “camps” who are locking heads around seemingly opposite strategies for universal needs-meeting.
Sun conjunct Uranus + Moon opposite Uranus
Together with the Moon’s conjunction to Khambalia, this involvement/activation of Uranus on this full moon also points to awakenings of higher consciousness. It can further suggest sudden or unexpected change or seismic shifts in our inner or outer landscapes.
Pluto Retrograde
On 27 April 2021, Pluto stations retrograde and will begin a five-month period where it appears to be moving “backward” to us Earthlings. Outer planet retrogrades don’t generally affect us as much as inner planet retrogrades, and yet this is still a time when the energy of Pluto turns inward, allowing us an opportunity for reflection and revisiting of this planet’s play in our lives during its last direct period.
Pluto retrograde is a window (or perhaps a mirror) through which to reflect on power and control issues in your life, your relationship with your own depths and shadow, and how you meet intensity and passion in your inner world. This is a time to shed what doesn’t serve you.
Pluto goes direct October 6.
Venus emerges from underworld as evening star
Venus – who has been in the underworld since February facing her shadows, courting utter annihilation, and meeting her brightest light – is now beginning her ascent out of the underworld. She will become visible in the night sky in these last days of April and early May.
Venus will be in her evening star phase for the rest of the year. In this phase of her cycle, Venus is in her ascent/return/rebirth. She is emerging with the wisdom and compassion she has gained through her journey so far, bringing back medicine for herself and her community. As she rises higher and brighter, she reveals her own brilliant knowing (gnosis).
Venus as evening star has gained maturity, confidence, strength, a renewed heart, and embodies more of her feminine essence as the Gemini Metagoddess. (To learn more about the Venus in Gemini cycle, check out my Wisdom of Venus mini-course.)
Planet Gazing
One of the best ways to engage astrology is through direct experience. We have a rare opportunity to receive the experiential transmissions of the inner planets next week.
On May 2, five planets will be visible in the sky within a 24-hour period. Saturn and Jupiter can be seen with the moon before sunrise in the southeast skies. In the evening, Venus appears just above the horizon twenty minutes after sunset in the northwest skies, with Mercury just above her. Forty-five minutes after sunset, Mars will also appear in the West.
Soul Support
If you are seeking support for the intensity of this season, I invite you to check out my Soul Guidance sessions. These are powerful portals of supported transformation that draw on all the tools and resources I’ve gathered along my medicine journey, including Shamanic Astrology, sound channeling, sacred space holding, therapeutic writing, embodied movement, flower essences, energy medicine, journey work and more. I only have one or two spots open at this time for such work, but I’d love to connect if you’re feeling the call.