New Moon in Taurus | May 2021
New Moon in Taurus
11 May 2021
3:00pm EST
Photo Credit: Melissa Askew
New Moon in Taurus
As we greet the New Moon in Taurus, we are invited to renew our relationship to the archetypal energies of Taurus, a feminine, Earth sign in the Self-Exploration modality. In this “dark” phase of the moon, we are also invited to plant powerful intentions for this next lunation, sure to be a potent one.
(It’s especially powerful and supportive to focus your intentions on the natal house domain of Taurus in your birth chart—for example, I have natal Taurus in the 6th house of health, sacred work, and daily life, I could focus my intentions on these areas of my life).
One of the chief functions of Taurus is to bring spirit into matter to enjoy and savor. Let’s break that down. Taurus is about taking the intangible, our felt sense, our essence, our spirits + souls and bringing them into form, into embodiment. More than simply being in our bodies and on this planet in physical form, this Taurean function is about actually enjoying and receiving the pleasure of being in a body. And, by extension, reveling in the pleasures and joys of being in the natural world.
In a time of increasing tech use, broad-scale experimental genetic modification, and continued isolation and restriction, connecting to the natural world and being in our bodies in-joy, is one of the most radical acts we can undertake as humans. This is Uranus in Taurus as well – a radical way of embodying through our own physical vessels and on the Earth.
That is what this New Moon is inviting us to reaffirm—our organic and natural connection to the web of life, through our bodies, through our connection to Gaia, and through pleasure. This is a cosmic invitation to root into your own body and find pleasure in your connection to self and the organic world.
Photo Credit: Peter Conlan
How you enact that is up to you—it might be through feeling the sunshine on your skin, lingering a moment longer in full presence to feel just how good it feels. It may be taking a barefoot walk along your favorite forest floor. It may be taking a bath or using some special scents or oils that make you feel good. Perhaps it is an energizing breath practice. A skip into some sea. It may be eating your favorite meal or having extended time with a beloved.
There are a million ways to enjoy the body. Find one that you align with the most at this time and indulge. As a radical act that affirms your own natural essence.
“You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.”
Attuning to the Subtle Senses
If Taurus is about the facet of our wholeness that revels in the body and its sensory experiences, it also has a complementary aspect as an access point through which we may tap into our more subtle sensory realms. Our Chandra symbol for this New Moon is titled “A blindfolded woman who sees the future.”
Witnessing dispassionately the flow of time. Standing outside of all linear progression and knowing what is likely to happen here. Supremely disengaged from surface affairs, even lightly dismissive of all secondary considerations, but tuned right in to the thread of prophecy and inner vision.
Granted a certain grace to follow the inner track.
And serving a larger function as part shaman, part seer, and part commonsensical advisor. Salty wit, earthy and pithy, no nonsense.
You know where the bones are buried.
Penetrating insight. A throwback to simpler worlds.
One who warns of dangers ahead, and is not amused by factions and fragments and phantoms of common assumption.
How do you relate to this symbol? What does this elicit in you?
Eclipse Season
This lunation, kicked off by this Taurean New Moon, will bring us into our mid-year eclipse portal, with the next full moon being a total lunar eclipse in two weeks (26 May). Eclipse portals – we’ll have a pair of eclipses as we often do – will increase intensity (I know, right?!?) and place us into a portal of pivoting and transformation. More on this soon.
Jupiter in final degrees of Aquarius
Jupiter has been zooming through Aquarius since December’s Great Conjunction, sharing space in the sky with its cosmic dance partner Saturn. Jupiter expands and amplifies whatever it touches. On the collective level, it has been expanding the energies of Aquarius for the last 6 months, and really will continue to do so for the rest of the year.
However, Jupiter is going to dip its toes into the oceanic depths of Pisces for a quick spell. On May 14, Jupiter will enter Pisces where it will expand collectively the archetypal energies of mysticism, dreams, visions, ideals, healing, compassionate service, empathy, and transcendence.
Jupiter will dip into Pisces between May 14 and July 29, when it will retrograde back into Aquarius where it will stay for the rest of 2021. During this window, we will get a sneak peek into what Jupiter will be amplifying in our own worlds for most of 2022.
As an aside, I find it incredible that Jupiter is moving into my 4th house of “home + roots” on the EXACT day that I literally move into a new home. Uncanny really.
As a second aside, I do find it interesting that as Jupiter is in its anaretic, or last, degree of Aquarius (sign of sudden change, technology and rebellion), which can sometimes be a “crisis degree” (Mars was at an anaretic degree when the Capitol was overtaken), our access to gasoline (a basic resource, ahem Taurus, for us living in car cultures) has been shut down here on the East Coast of the US due to a cyberattack of the “Colonial Pipeline” by a “criminal group called the DarkSide.” You can’t make this stuff up people.
Mars square Chiron
Mars in Cancer is square Chiron in Aries during this New Moon, creating friction and putting dynamic, developmental pressure on both the Masculine in all of Creation and the Wounded Healer archetype in and among us. This square can create a “halt” in our lives where we are forced to slow down and look inward or otherwise assess why we may thwart, sabotage, or otherwise limit our life force energy, our activity, drive and intentions.
Sabian Symbol
I’ll leave you with the Sabian symbol for this New Moon, entitled “A white dove flying straight and fearlessly over troubled waters,” as it seems tied to the Chandra symbol message I shared above.
Photo Credit: Vivek Doshi
This Symbol implies a talent for bringing calm, protection and good tidings to those who need help. Although there may be trouble all around, you are able to rise above this and find safe ground.
You may have to cross over into the dark side in order to bring order and safety to people’s lives. Even though you, or someone else, may be lost from sight for a while and some may feel abandoned, they will return and bring guidance to safety and reassurance. You may need to send, or receive, a message to those who could be feeling left out and in need of reassurance.
Transcending worry through spiritual awareness. Prophetic mission. Messages and symbols of peace. Going for objectives. Calming troubled minds. Redemption and hope.