Full Moon in Sagittarius | Total Lunar Eclipse | May 2021
Full Moon at 5 Sagittarius
Total Lunar Eclipse
Super Moon
26 May 2021
7:14am EST
Super Moon. Blood Moon. Full Moon. Total Lunar Eclipse.
Ripeness. Reboot. Restart. Release. Recalibrate. Reveal.
Revelation. Epiphany.
Great and subtle shifts that expand and remake realities.
Relief from outdated beliefs.
Composting synthetic lies masquerading as Truths.
Reckoning moment for all that operates outside natural law.
Making space for messages of your multidimensionality.
Here we are beloveds, in the first of four eclipses that will take place in 2021. Last year, we had six eclipses (2020: makes sense), but we often have four, or two sets of eclipses, once mid-year and once at the year’s end. Let’s wade into these waters –– or perhaps more apropos: dance in these flames of truth together.
Lunar Eclipse Visibility
This full moon and total lunar eclipse will be visible in Australia, East Asia, islands in the Pacific and the Western Americas. People on the West Coast of the United States, from Baja into Canada can observe the eclipse beginning around 1:47am PT on May 26. It won’t begin to appear red until 2:45am. Between 4:11 and 4:25 is the time of the actual eclipse.
It is said that the impact of an eclipse is particularly potent where it can be observed from the sky.
Astronomical event of a Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse happens on a full moon, when the Earth aligns between the sun and the moon at the Nodes, or points of intersection between the Earth’s path around the Sun and the Moon’s path around the Earth. With this eclipse, the Sun is at the North Node in Gemini and the Moon is at the South Node in Sagittarius. This is a total lunar eclipse.
The moon appears red in the sky as it falls into the Earth’s shadow or umbra.
Astrological event of a Lunar Eclipse
A lunar eclipse is like an extra potent full moon. This one is considered a super moon because the moon is orbiting particularly close to the Earth right now, creating more of an impact. The Moon massively impacts the waters of our earth and our bodies, as well as our emotional bodies. So, our emotions can certainly be heightened at this time.
Lunar eclipses are portals in which the past may arise in culmination and for completion. Something that wasn’t seen before may come to light. A massive reset or restart may transpire. Sudden, unexpected shifts may occur (much like they would in a Uranus transit).
Eclipse windows, such as the one we are in and will be for the next several weeks, are portals of transformation, quick pivots, and periods of great change. They can feel intense and fast moving, as if time itself is bending and accelerating. This can be a time in which the more we are willing to release, the more we are catapulted forward in greater harmony with our dharmic path.
Lunar eclipses are times of LETTING GO. Completions of cycles and patterns. Releasing what no longer serves you. This is a time when something from the past may come up for clearing. (I myself have been clearing LIFETIMES of past energies ready to release, not to mention a lot happening on the physical, if you’ve been following my personal journey.)
What has run its course? What would function to hold you back if you were to continue to hold onto it?
I was on a call with an incredible teacher of mine (Micheila Sheldan) this week in which we spoke about what takes us off our soul path. Put simply, these include efforting toward what is not actually for us, and resisting or restricting that which is for us.
By doing either of these things, we attempt to control + contort life force thereby blocking or veiling the important signals we are constantly receiving from our soul and other aspects of our inner organic technology.
Acceptance, which can be no small feat in some circumstances, is the key to aligning with our soul path, illuminated in this lunar eclipse with the Sun at the North Node, considered the “destiny point” in astrology.
Another way I like to think of this is “honoring” –– we don’t need to celebrate the past and what has been created but we can acknowledge it, honor it for its existence, and make meaning in such a way that supports our journey forward.
Full Moon in Sagittarius
“The revelation of thought takes [hu]men out of servitude into freedom.”
This full moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. If you know where Sagittarius falls in your chart, you can look to the corresponding house to determine what aspects of your life are being illuminated and activated by this lunar eclipse/full moon.
Sagittarius is a masculine fire sign, associated with the modality of being In Service to Spirit (known in Western astrology as mutable).
Sagittarius themes include:
· A great love of Truth, personal and universal organic truth/Truth
· Perpetual vision quest for meaning and purpose
· Exploring the deeper spiritual nature of reality
· Constantly expanding one’s horizons of personal truth
· Boldly going where one has not gone before
· Wise truth teacher and guide to expanded states of consciousness
· Freedom
· Natural law
· Beliefs
· Optimism, resilience, wisdom
South Node conjunct the Moon (both indications of the past) in Sagittarius suggest that old, unconscious and outdated beliefs and conceptions of truth are ready to be met and cleared. Adios to the limiting and dense energies you’ve outgrown. Don’t pour energy into that which is collapsing and falling away; rather, perhaps it would be wiser to honor and bless its exit and turn your attention to that which you intentionally wish to create in the space it’s release is creating.
We remember that all of life is creation, sustainment, and dissolution. (AUM/OM the sound of the universe contains these three principles). We intentionally co-create with this natural rhythm of organic reality. We birth, we sustain, we complete (okay, die, if you want to get Sagittarius-blunt with it).
Epiphany and Revelation
This lunar eclipse and full moon bring in the theme of EPIPHANY.
An epiphany is defined as (1) the appearance or manifestation of a divine being, (2) a sudden perception of the essential nature or meaning of something, (3) an intuitive grasp of something (which is often simple but striking), (4) an illuminating discovery, realization or disclosure, (5) a revealing scene or moment.
This is a potent period of breakthroughs in perception, which may come through like wildfire or whisper to you more subtly yet in such a way that fundamentally alters the course of your life.
With Mercury and Venus in Gemini, the archetype of the multidimensional messenger, square to Neptune, the planet of dreams and visions–– we also have a celestial context supportive to receiving communications from the soul and from Spirit.
Chandra symbol for Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse
This brings in the Chandra symbol for this Full Moon, which is a potent one and resonates with this energy of multidimensionality, the expansion of our horizons of personal truth and perception, and evolutionary breakthrough.
A dancer with eight arms.
Each and every dimension carries with it a path to follow, a way to become fulfilled within that channel. It is human nature to restrict yourself to one dimension or perhaps two at a time. But nature is no longer enough within the evolving matrix in this planet. Here is the departure point, the mutational edge: the willingness and capacity to develop simultaneously in all eight primary dimensions. Bearing this seed is the most sacred and high-level of tasks.
You are being ushered into limitless vistas within.
All the new capacities are arising at the same time from every side, and all can be creatively combined into an entirely new way of being. But it takes a life-force that is disciplined, harnessed, mastered.
Even in the initial stages, this calls for absolute dedication. If you become overly impressed by yourself, the juices are cut off, everything freezes. But as you learn to cut through all images whatsoever, the fount again supplies boundless vital spark to orchestrate the impossible.
Evolutionary breakthrough arises through the physical organism of those individuals who have prepared accordingly. Here is the greatest display of inward ability that can be imagined. May the highest Gods speed you along your finest quest for perfect embodiment.
Chandra Correction***
In my original writing, I must have gone through a space wobble or some such thing because I was led to a different Chandra symbol (above: Scorpio 6) than the one ACTUALLY meant for this eclipse (Sagittarius 6). I am leaving what I wrote above, trusting this message also wants to come forward for this eclipse. But here is the ACTUAL CHANDRA SYMBOL for this full moon:
A pair of shoes with live wings on each.
To delight in pursuit is never to get there, but to enjoy the ride all the way.
To identify with flight is to run from what is dense and heavy and to deny the pain of Earth.
And to dream of a personal limitlessness is to stay out of realities that bind. The longing and the craving, the fantasy and the vision are everything here. And as you perpetuate illusions you feel no pain.
Somewhere you are convinced that the very best thing is to be free, and that to fall for linear progression is to be a fool. Everything you know and follow is true in worlds beyond, and false in the dense immediacy of Earth experience.
A different flavor for us to ponder indeed! How does this one land for you? What arises in you as you take it in?
Eclipse invitations
Eclipses are times of inward focus, of ritual and reflection. Ancient wise ones would take these days to withdraw from daily life in order to move inward (often staying inside), to create enough stillness to align with the invitations of these major celestial events. Even if you can’t bow out from your life right now, see if you might open spaces of stillness and silence where you can feel your way into what this moment holds for you.
If you are curious about what this eclipse window or the energies of 2021 are bringing your way, feel free to schedule a private reading with me here.
Be well loves. May this portal be just the perfect elixir of epiphany and revelatory release for you.