New Moon in Scorpio | November 2021


New Moon at 12 Scorpio

4 November 2021

5:15 pm EST


Happy new moon in Scorpio, loves.  I have to say, Scorpio is one of my favorite archetypal energies (Okay, fine, I love them all—but Scorpio has a special place in my heart).  I often joke that I will someday start a Scorpio Mystery School in which we Scorpio types can explore all things Scorpio–– threshold tending, death/rebirth, shadow work, deep feelings, soul work, energy medicine, conscious sexuality, initiations, and all things Scorpionic. For now, here’s a long blog about Scorpio.  Actually, a quick interlude announcement quick first.   

Teaser: Soul Tenders is coming!

I’m cooking up some juicy and potent offerings for you, dear community!  In 2022, I’ll be pouring my heart-soul medicine and wisdom into curating a community of Soul Tenders, wise, sensitive, deep and wild souls who long to connect deeply to themselves, one another, Earth, and the new world we are birthing into being, while hospicing the old into oblivion.

No small feat, let’s do it together, eh?  As they say, if you want to go fast, go alone, and if you want to go far, go together. Looking forward to being together with all those who are called to tend Soul with me.  Let’s build new mycelial models of inter-being, honor our depths, and explore the wisdom of the worlds together. Make sure you’re on my mailing list (sign up at the bottom of this page) to get all the details. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. 

New Moon in Scorpio 

All new moons are beginnings or seedings for the next cycle. These are times for us to reflect on and renew our relationship to the new moon archetype within, this month in Scorpio, and to set intentions for next lunar cycle. 

Scorpio is a feminine/involutionary water sign, it is associated with the movement of energy “down and in” and of immanence–– bringing spirit into form.  Scorpio is DEEP WATER –– associated with the feeling, emotional, energetic, and instinctive realms.


Deep Feeeeeeeelings

I love what Deep Imagery pioneer Eligio Stephen Gallegos writes about the feeling world: “Feeling is a mode of knowing energies, especially the energies governing our own physical and emotional movements[…]Feeling is a way of knowing the emotions and energies that exist in the surrounding environment and in other people. It is the dimension through which “vibes” are experienced and through which the taste and flavor of an event is grasped.” If everything is energy, it is our feeling-based channel of knowing that allows us to experience, track and “know” the fluid, dynamic and continuously changing landscape of our inner and outer worlds. 

And of course, as Gallegos also posits, our thinking channels have been taught to distrust the knowing of feeling. Those instantaneous knowings we experience come through our feeling faculties, and when Mind can’t substantiate, it tends to discredit.  Nevertheless, “if we pull away from feeling we divorce ourselves from our energy, from our aliveness, and become relatively depressed. To enter fully into feeling-ness is to become fully responsive.” This aliveness that comes with opening to full feeling is what Scorpio is all about. 

 Scorpio Overview

Scorpio is an impersonal archetype in the self-exploration modality (fixed), which is associated with a focus on the individual self.  Scorpio explores itself by engaging with its own personal power and life force energy, in passionate, even orgasmic ways. Scorpio cares about reclaiming the power of truly feeling its own feelings, alluring us to courageously engage our stuck feelings and recurrent emotions by tapping into them, transmuting them, and using that now-freed energy for self-renewal, self-regeneration, and transformation.

Archetypally, Scorpio shares resonant energy with Pluto and 8th house.

Scorpio is the archetype of the shaman, medicine woman, sorcerer, witch, tantrika, the Phoenix. She is Innana in the underworld, goddess of death/rebirth, mistress of the shadowlands of the personal and collective psyche, an edge walker and keen energy tracker. 

She is associated with depth, power, passion/desire, intensity, and Eros/the erotic. She is the mistress of life force energy, the deepest feeling realms, self-renewal and regeneration, transformation. Her motto is: “desire is the engine of creation.” She’s damn sexy too. 


Your relationship to the Scorpio within

I believe we all have access to all of the astrological archetypes when we are operating from our wholeness. The healthy Scorpio in us helps us:

  • ·bring shadow to awareness so that it can be alchemized/integrated

  • feel + sense the most subtle energy realms

  • access to our passionate aliveness and desire; instincts

  • navigate in the Dark

  • restore our deepest, most potent true power

  • connect to our liberated sexuality, eros + life force expression

  • be at helm of, and in right relations with, powerful emotions

  • wisely wind through transformation

  • cultivate a strong individuated self (+ restore boundaries)

  • align our will with Life’s will

  • correct dominator patterns

  • heal violation, betrayal, persecution

  • allow us to share truth without weaponizing

Less beneficial, distorted or inhibited expressions of Scorpio can manifest as:

  • fear of own power

  • afraid to hurt others

  • fear of persecution

  • afraid to be seen/known

  • afraid to feel deeply

  • disconnection from the erotic and our desires

  • possessive, controlling, punishing

  • imbalanced focus on darkness

  • unhealthy secrecy

  • stealing/leaking life force

  • overly attached to outcome of desires

Take it into your life: embodied exploration of Scorpio

How do you relate to the energies of Scorpio within your own being?  What aspects of this archetypal energy do you want to track and move with this next month? 


I encourage you to pursue an embodied exploration of this energy over the next several weeks.  Some ideas include:

  • Track your triggers, notice what evokes strong emotion in you. Don’t judge, get curious about what is happening in your world. 

  • Become an energy tracker.  Take some time to track the energy in your body.  Does it tend to pool all in your head, can you bring it into your heart, your belly, your pelvis?  What is it like in those places?  Can you track and move your inner energies?  Or watch how they move and behave?  What does your ever-shifting energy body have to show you?

  • When strong emotion comes, put on a song that mirrors that emotion and let your body move with it.  Or make sounds, primal instinctual sounds, that want to be expressed with the emotion. 

  • Go out into nature and stalk something that allures you, get acquainted with it. 

  • Ponder: what is life asking you to hospice along its death journey right now?  What are you being asked to compost?  What new life might be on the other side for you? 

  • Rant or swamp.  Set your timer for 5 minutes and throw a 2-year old worthy temper tantrum.  Say all the things. Let it out.  You can do this in your car even. 


New Moon sky signatures

We have two noteworthy sky signatures also happening at the time of the New Moon this month, which function as energetic imprints we may work with for the rest of November. 

First, this New Moon is almost exactly opposite Uranus, the planet of awakening, rebellious, radical change, liberation, and surprises.  So this is a time where you might expect the unexpected. Uranus might just come to shift something unexpectedly and let a little tension out of the system.  It may feel electric. 

Second, at this New Moon Venus is conjunct Juno in the sky.  Venus is associated with the Feminine in all Creation and Juno is the asteroid of sacred union.  We can read this as being wedding to the heart, finding union and devotion with our own deep inner feminine, and in Sagittarius the aspect of the feminine who Knows the Truth about Things. 


New Moon Chandra symbol 


Discordance between inner self and outer world.

Myriad forms of conflict and misunderstanding.

The intensity of what has been building up inside has gone too far for too long and has become angry, vengeful, and saturated with resentment. Meanwhile, the broader environment has come to seem, in hallucinatory fashion, to exclude everything you bear, and even to grotesquely deny your chances for a meaningful life.

And so you dramatize karmically over and again the preprogrammed sequence of bringing out inward treasures and finding them spat upon or being given no room to let it out. A state of brooding darkness ensues, fears and doubts multiply.

However, a ray of hope exists. You must find, despite yourself, new ways to express and embody, implicitly embracing and encompassing the negative reflection feedback loop and saying:

”I can bring myself through another way. And this time, I will take charge, and just be authentic without expectations or assumptions. And if I do bring myself through this way, I know everybody will get the joke.”
— Elias Lonsdale

What zings in this symbol for you?  What lines or phrases stand out?  What might this unlock or help you access? 


Astrological Events of November 2021

Here’s a quick rundown of all the celestial parties happening this month.  We have some tension building with the Saturn and Uranus aspects mid-month, the opening of eclipse season, and some smoother reprieve toward the month’s end.  I mean, relatively speaking. 

November 4: New Moon in Scorpio

November 5: Venus into Capricorn | Mercury into Scorpio

November 7: Moon-Venus conjunct @ Crown in Capricorn

November 10: Mars + Mercury square Saturn

November 17: Mars opposite Uranus

November 19: Full Moon in Taurus | PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE

November 21: Sun into Sagittarius

November 24: Mercury into Sagittarius


Eclipse Portal opens this month


On November 19, on the Full Moon we open eclipse season with a Partial lunar eclipse at 27º Taurus.  This is our first eclipse in Taurus for the coming 18-month season of eclipses (we usually get 4 a year). 

Eclipses are a time of intensity, rapid unexpected changes, leaps forward, time bending, pivot points, and transformation. These are windows where the veil thins and change is not linear or gradual.

 Lunar eclipses (which happen at full moons) bring closure to more prominent themes and stories in our lives. This one is our first in an 18-month Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle, as the lunar nodes begin to enter a new axis. This lunar eclipse might call up for consideration and completion themes in our personal and collective lives about:

  • How we treat the earth

  • How we consume

  • What we value

  • Our embodiment and relationship to the body

  • Our stories about and relationship to money, and the exchange of energy

  • The extent to which we experience pleasure, sensuality and delight

  • Our ability to receive nourishment from life

 The Chandra symbol for this eclipse is:

A man making candles out of beeswax.
The sweetness is in the returning to those sacred places always known and now being at ease there. The natural man strips away false layers and finds somebody underneath who is poignantly familiar and resonantly true.

The search, the quest, the process. The intricate, extended process.

For everything depends upon entering the process and giving yourself over to the master-craftsman-hands of the Creator Beings. You are simply a seed blown by the wind, and to become this completely is blissful fruition inwardly smiled into being.


We’ll have a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, the last eclipse on the Sagittarius/Gemini axis.  More on that in the Moon Musings next month. 

Single Session Soul Guidance: now available!

Be Well Dear Ones, and thank you for being here! Last note, I opened up my Soul Guidance work to offer single sessions now! Check out the incredibly potent deep soul medicine journey work we might get into this month, should you so choose.





Jaime Fleres