New Moon in Libra | October 2021


New Moon at 13­º Libra

6 October 2021

7:05am EST



Ah the Libra new moon, my favorite of the year, as I was born on this new moon.  It’s my lunar signature.  I’ve gotta say, having Sun and Moon (plus a handful of other planets) in Libra is a deep initiation into this mystery school, which is all about conscious equal partnership and relationality.  I’m deeply oriented for intimate relationships, connection is central for me, and I’ve had my own journey with growing beyond people-pleasing, peacekeeping at my own sake, and indecision (some of the shadows of Libra, as you’ll read below). 

Let’s get to this lunation and what it may bring for you. 


THEMES of this Lunation

I’d like to start this month’s report with the big themes I am seeing for this moon and this lunation (i.e. the next month, until the next new moon). 



Restoring Relationships: Mending Relational Wounds

New Moon in Libra opposite Chiron; conjunct Mercury retrograde

This lunation highlights and supports the work of mending our relational wounds.  When I first wrote “relational wounds” it almost felt redundant to me, as most all of our psyche wounds develop within the context of relationship. 

Those early imprints of abandonment, unworthiness, lack of self-love, not belonging, guilt, shame, victimization, perfectionism –– they all develop in the context of relationship, often our deepest and most primal bonds.  And we often play out these patterns again and again until we mend them. 

While we can do some degree of this mending work on our own, relational wounds are often healed inside relationships.  In generative relationships, we make new choices, relate to ourselves differently and experience something new in how we are related to. 

This takes conscious choice and deep mutual care between two people.  It takes the building of something new for which we may not have a foundation.  It takes intention, risk, discomfort even, as we move from the familiar into new territory and remain resolute in our conviction to no longer enact the old ways. 

With the new moon in Libra opposite Chiron (the wounded healer) in Aries, we have this opportunity to check in with where we are on the spectrum between self-centered relating and other-oriented relating

Libra asks us to find the balance between them.  Swing too far to the Aries side and you can only see yourself.  The extreme is narcissism.  Swing too far to the (unhealthy) Libra side and you can only see the other. This is the extreme of self-abandonment, over empathizing (I call it “orbiting” another), people-pleasing, and co-dependency

When we are out of balance on this relational spectrum, our relationships suffer.  We suffer.

Imbalance often leads to power-over/power-under dynamics that undermine the health, vitality and creativity of a relationship. 

When we can hold our own experience and the experience of another equally, when we put ourselves on the same team and deeply care for one another, we can enter into a power-with dynamic

This is the aim and devotion of the Libra archetype, to evolve our relationships into those that are conscious, collaborative, generative, reciprocal and egalitarian.  For Libra, relationship is the path to “God.”

With Chiron opposite this new moon, we might feel our old relational wounds triggered at this time.  Remember that they are up for mending, and to bring your deepest care, compassion, and empathy to yourself and to others.  Forgiveness work is encouraged if accessible. 

Mercury retrograde conjunct this new moon is also asking us to rethink and re-perceive our relationships, the stories we tell about them, and our deeply set patterns of relating.  It also asks us to do the inner work –– whatever is being called up at this time is requesting restoration.   

In addition to our relationships to the humans in our world, I invite you to take this relational restoration wider and deeper.

What is your relationship to Spirit, to Creator?  Do you have a relationship?  Do you talk?  Do you listen?  Does this feel like conscious equal partnership to you? 

What is your relationship to Earth?  Do you have conscious relationships with the beings of earth?  With the plants, animals, insects, fungi, etc?  With the mountains, the oceans, the weather, the elements, other habitats, landscapes, places or environments?  Do you have intimate connections with the more-than-human world?  Do you listen to it? Do you speak back? 


Transforming Power Dynamics: from power over to power with

Pluto-Eris square #5 (in T with Mercury retrograde); Pluto stations direct

In case you haven’t noticed, the major theme of our current times ––with Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter conjunct in Capricorn last year, this Saturn-Uranus square series this year, Pluto in Capricorn, and Pluto in a series of squares with Eris ––  is the death and rebirth of power dynamics on this planet, with the old hierarchical models in their death throe battle cries of survival (have you noticed all the tyranny?). 

We are being asked to root out all the ways that power over, domination, win-lose, tyrannical and parasitical patterns exist within and among us.  We are asked to root out all the power under, conformity, infantilizing, victimizing patterns. 

That Pluto goes direct on the same day as this new moon is significant.  AND we have the fifth and last of the exact squares between Pluto and Eris, both chaos agents of deep transformation.  Pluto asks that these old patterns be destroyed, bones taken down into dust and made fertilizer for the new patterns.  We must let die our old relationship patterns—how we relate to this earth, to resources, to each other and to the Beyond. 

This month we may see a surge at the surface of this battle between the old dying ways and the new ways birthing amidst the flames.  Expect that the intensity may be taken up a few notches.  Root into your own authentic truth, the power at your core, and the freedom that is your natural birthright on this planet. 


Activating a new masculine

Mars conjunct New Moon

Mars is in a tight conjunction with this new moon.  He is also in the underworld.  Mars represents the masculine principle within us and all creation.  I perceive this as a masculine initiation and activation happening this month. 

In the underworld, Mars is busy meeting its deepest fears, shedding falsehoods and distortions, clearing old ways of being, and stepping into new expressions.  The masculine is being asked to kill off all the old hierarchical, patriarchal, war-based wounds and move back into sacred reciprocity, protection and provision of Life. 

Accelerated Portal of Change

Four planets moving direct this month 

We are massively recalibrating and shifting gears this month, can you feel it? 

We are entering a period of clarity and acceleration where the transformation underway will reach a new level and things will begin to move where there has been pause. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury will all station direct between the new and full moons. 

Allow yourself to trust the current of life, even as we encounter some rapids.  Know that all that is falling away is making space for something new and better. 


Renewing our relationship to the LIBRA archetype

Every month, the new moon gives us an opportunity to renew our relationship to the archetype at play.  Regardless of how Libra falls in your chart, you are invited to engage with this archetype this month and explore your relationship to it inside yourself.  To see what area of your life this moon is highlighting, find what house Libra is in in your chart. 


Illumined expression of Libra

·      Helps us restore essential bonds with self, other and environment

·      Sacred reciprocity, or right relationship with web of life

·      Knows how to do conscious equal partnership

·      Social grace and tact

·      Diplomatic, collaborative, inclusive peacemaker

·      Brings all perspectives to the table, valuing all equally

·      Deep listening + attunement to others

·      Personal intimacy with self and others

·      "We" oriented

·      Balances inner truth with consensus reality

·      Honors relationship as path to the divine


Shadow expression of Libra

  • co-dependency; relational over-dependency

  • external validation

  • over-identified with partner or other relational roles

  • self-abandonment to people please or relate

  • truth is defined outside of self; over-emphasis on what Other thinks, knows, feels, believes

  • self-silencing to keep the peace

  • projection

  • indecision


Chandra Symbol: The Journey is Everything

 A chariot pulled by four elephants.


Embarking upon a highly unusual journey in which getting there is a very remote prospect.

But along the way, upon the eternal road, you come upon absolutely everything that can trigger inner changes.

You are granted the perfect view of the entire passing scene.

And as you take it all in, the alchemy of deep process inside the soul optimizes the value and meaning of what you meet. Slowly, just underneath you become aware, in sync and steady on.

And soon all is perfect. You know where you are and you recognize what is asked of those with eyes to see.


Key celestial happenings in current lunation

October 6: Pluto Direct

October 7: Venus into Sagittarius

October 9: Moon-Venus conjunct @ 3rd Eye Gate in Sagittarius

October 10: Saturn Direct

October 17: Jupiter Direct

October 18: Mercury Direct

October 20: Full moon at 27 Aries (activation of US natal Pluto)

October 22: Sun into Scorpio

October 29: Venus evening star at greatest altitude

October 30: Mars in Scorpio


Stay in the Heart

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I am also available for private Soul Map Astrology Readings and Soul Guidance sessions this season. 

Jaime Fleres